Hi 😀 , I'm a


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Junior Developer & Chemical-Process Engineer

Chemical-Process Engineer with industrial experience as a Production Manager in a chemical plant. Passionate about IT, I took a Coding Bootcamp. Nowadays, I think IT skills have become an essential tool in order to deliver a better job! In fact, Web Development, for instance, has become one of the most promising domains: it allows you to create, update, and enhance websites as a freelancer or for a company. I am ready to take on new challenges...

  • Languages: Arabic, French, English, Spanish
  • Hobbies: Sports, IT, Series, Music


A Full Stack Developer is the one who essentially handles both Frontend and Backend web development. His skill set is versatile in handling both client-side and server-side development.


Play with the different drums by cliking on them or on the corresponding letters using keyboard. In this project, I used JavaScript and jQuery in order to manipulate the different keys as well as their sounds.

In this game, you must try to click the buttons in the right order (lightened buttons' sequence) to go the next level ! In this project, I used JavaScript and jQuery in order to manipulate the different keys as well as their sounds.

In this app, you can add your daily tasks. If you check the box, that task will be deleted! Everything is stored in database.

You can enter your informations (first name, last name and Email) and get subscribed to my Newsletter: you'll get a success message when everything is fine and an error one in the other case!

Soccer App is an Angular Application, in which you can sign up or sign in as user/admin. As Admin, you are authorized to add, edit and delete players, matchs or users.

E-commerce App is a React Application, in which you can login or register as a customer. Some available options: filter, add products to your cart... Once logged in, you can continue your purshase using Stripe.

HTK Consulting Company website (static, responsive design, contact form)

Energyca Company website (static, responsive design)

Capcondo Company website (static, responsive design, Angular, bilingual(Fr/En))



Nabeul/Tunis, Tunisia


+216 41 707 360